Upcoming Rides, Events and Clinics for Cyclists
12:57 PMI'm always so happy to see more and more events, rides, and brands, focused on women cyclists, regardless of whether the aim is at beginners or advanced riders. Most sports are underrepresented in terms of female participation, which is a shame!
Here is a round-up of upcoming Vancouver-area events that are aimed at women in cycling, or open to all genders and/or ability groups.

La Bicicletta Wednesday Park Rides
Wednesday at 6:30 PM in Stanley Park
If you are looking to get some group riding experience, increase your fitness, and meet a bunch of new people, the Wednesday Park Rides are the place to be. Be at the information booth in Stanley Park by 6:30 PM on a Wednesday eve and look for someone in a red Pender Racing jersey to check in. You'll get grouped into different ability/speed groups, and enjoy a few leisurely laps around Stanley Park. You can RSVP via EventBrite. Cost: $0.
Tri Talk Series #1 - Nutrition for Triathletes
Wednesday May 17, 6:30 pm / West Point Cycles, Main Street location
Ok, so not totally cycling-focused, but there is a bicycle aspect to triathlons. This talk is supposed to cover the topic of nutrition and fueling properly for endurance based sports. RSVP via the West Point website. Cost: $0
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#WCWrides |
Wednesday evenings at On the Rivet Cycle Wear, W. Broadway + Ontario
Every Wednesday, even in the wet, On the Rivet hosts an all bae, no bro ride. Rides depart at approximately 6:15 PM from the shop, and are great rides if you're looking to meet other women and increase your fitness. Though these rides are social, don't expect to lollygag around the city -- you'll earn your post-ride treat! Find more info on their Facebook page here.

Women's Cycling Skills Series - Learn to Ride
Presented by Glotman-Simpson Cycling
If you're new to road cycling or group riding, or feel a bit rusty and want a refresher before you get back into full force this season, why not sign up for the Learn to Ride skills clinics being offered with the Glotman-Simpson Cycling group? It's affordable, once a week, and when you finish this clinic, you'll have all the tools you need to go on big group rides, comfortably and safely. Clinics start in June, and you can get more info on their website.
Saturday No-Drop Rides with CrossRoad Racing
9 AM departure, hosted by SpeedTheory Vancouver, W 4th + Trafalgar
If getting more group riding experience is on your to-do list this year, why not join in on the no-drop, all abilities, group rides being led by the CrossRoad Racing team? Members of the team will be there to provide coaching and direction during the ride, so you'll be learning from seasoned cyclists. And, because it's a no-drop ride, you don't have to worry about being left behind. More information is available from the host shop, SpeedTheory Vancouver.

Sunday Women-Only Group Rides with Liv Cycling Vancouver
9 AM departure from the Liv Cycling Vancouver location at W 4th + Pine
I may be a bit biased, since I work at this shop, but these are great rides! Every Sunday, rain or shine, we lead a women-only, no-drop, group ride. Destinations and distances vary, but be prepared to do anywhere from 40-70 km. These rides are aimed at the intermediate level cyclist, who has the ability to maintain an average of 25-30km/hr and has some group riding experience. Cost is $5, and the rides finish at the Liv shop where you can enjoy a hot coffee and baked goods.
Am I missing an event, clinic, group ride, or something else you think should be on this list? Let me know in the comments, and I'll look into it!